Trusting Yourself Is Your Secret Weapon
Let’s face it, interviewing sucks! is not fun, it’s hard work and even the person interviewing doesn’t really like to do it.
So, what do you do to stand out, make yourself known and share all your positive attributes on your interview and not slip up and share your negatives?
And you are thinking right about now, “yeah right.” Interviewing is known to be scary. Most don’t know how, nor do they want to. Most don’t have a clue where to start in order to improve.
You know the old saying, “Who knows you better then yourself? Nobody!!” This is the most appropriate saying when applied to interviewing.
Who knows what you have done, how you did it and why you did it? YOU.
Who knows your values, attributes, skills, thought process and how your mind works the way that it works? YOU.
Isn’t that what trust is all about? Isn’t that what interviewing is all about? Knowing who you are, how you accomplished the goals that you did and more?
According to the dictionary, the word trust means “a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.”
When interviewing, if you just listen to what people are asking you, then answering them should be the easy part.
Is their more to this then just answering questions? Yes, you know there is.
There are so many articles on how to interview, questions, answers, body language, and tone out there. I get it. Which one to listen to, which one pertains to my industry and my skills? You can really drive yourself crazy, let alone confuse yourself in one easy lesson.
If you are capable of looking at yourself in the mirror and reminding yourself that you know who you are, what you have done, and why you can do it for another company, then you can trust yourself in sharing yourself to others. The rest will follow.
Now, again, is there more to this? Yes. But the biggest hurdle is you. If you don’t understand or believe in yourself then you won’t trust yourself.
For you to get the career role you want then you must believe, trust, and accept the person you are and willingly share that confidence with the people who are determining whether you’re a good fit for their company or not.
You might just be surprised how your confidence and values come through.
Interviewing sucks!! But it really doesn’t have to.