Don’t fall for empty promises during a job search
Get hired faster! Make more money! Land the interview with your dream company!
Promises, promises, promises. If so many people have so many ways of getting you hired faster with all of their amazing methods, then why don’t they? Can anyone really guarantee you an interview? These days, so many companies and individuals are promising this and that to get you in the door, make you more money, get you exactly what you want, and yet, we still have so many people looking for a new job/career.
In my business you will notice I don’t guarantee anything. Why? Because there is no such thing and it is irresponsible to make unfounded promises! I don’t promise anything. I do, however, educate you and allow you to find yourself, your niche, your craft, your voice, and mostly, your clarity. I offer you direction. I offer you the opportunity to really understand yourself and how to find your next role. Without clarity you are just throwing out your resume to see what sticks. You are wasting valuable time, and we know time is money.
The most important promise, and the only one you have any control over, in a job search is what you promise to yourself. You can promise yourself to:
Show up as your best self, every time.
Accurately reflect who you are and the value you bring to the role.
Apply for jobs which you are qualified for.
Be honest in interviews about your needs and wants.
So, if some ‘expert’ makes promises or guarantees, don’t buy it! The only predictable thing that you can rely on is yourself when you’re looking for a job. Don’t place your future in the hands of someone who promises you things that are out of their control, or yours.
If you don’t want any false guarantees but rather a clear path and the ability to answer the questions about your Value, Purpose and Why, then you should hit me up.
It is hard to find a job out there right now. This market is a whole new ball game, and there is only one winner when playing a game. Make your game as easy as possible on yourself!
Have questions, what if’s, and more, contact me here:
Phone: (425) 577-4102
Free consultation