How to Evaluate Your Job Satisfaction and Explore New Career Opportunities

I have written about this before, but the market was a bit different then it is now. (And you all can say it at the same time, NO SH-T). So, what do you do about it, besides praying on it, ask a lot of questions, and ask for referrals? At the end of the year when you start reflecting on your career/job you ask yourself a few questions, yes?

  1. Do I like my job

  2. Do I like my boss

  3. Do I like the people I work with

  4. Do I like my commute

  5. Do I like who I am in this company

Now, once you ask yourself these questions what do you do about the answers? How do you know if you should stay or go? Allow me to help share a few suggestions with you; 'Tis the time of giving.

  1. Evaluate your current job satisfaction: Yup, the old pro/con list. Think about the culture, your daily tasks, the people you work with. The real question? AM I HAPPY AND AM I VALUED?

  2. Review: Review your interests, values, and skills: What do you offer any employer. What can you bring to a new company that no one else can?

  3. Know your options: Is there a different career path you have not considered? Brainstorm alternatives. Ask your friends and colleagues how they got into their roles. What core values do you have that will take you into a different role? (Transferable skills)

  4. Tackle areas of improvement: Volunteer if you can or take a class to improve your skillset or well-roundedness.

I have a few more prompts, but you get the idea. Career Transitions are not as difficult as you may think. They are challenging, but oh, can you think of the journey you might just have allowed yourself to have? If you are feeling stuck, have too many questions about if you should stay or go, hit me up.


Don’t fall for empty promises during a job search


Rejoice, Reflect, Accept 2024