‘Tis The Season

For what? For whom? Why is it only a season?

What does it really mean, Tis the Season?

For me?

The season of rejoicing. The season of reflecting, the season of reaching out to family and friends.

But wait. I do that all year long. I rejoice in people every day. I reflect in myself, almost every day. (Had to be honest here).  I reach out to my family and friends all the time. 

So, my question to you all is, DO YOU? And if you don’t, why not?  

These last two years have shown us that we need to stick together more then ever. We need to empower ourselves and others, daily. We need to hug, when safe. We need to reach out to anyone that needs us and ask, “How can I help?”.

I am not preaching, and I am not on my soapbox, I am just sharing my thoughts and feelings like I always do. I am the one that tries to keep it real for you all. I am the one that will stand by you. 

This is the last month of 2021-so far, just a tad better than 2020. So, what will 2022 bring you? What will you do differently? What does this season mean to you? I would really like to read your comments. Share them, you don’t know who it can help, inspire or touch. 

May this season be one that last all year long. One of giving, helping and being thoughtful.




‘Tis the Season for Hiring