5 Reasons Why Interviewers “Ghost” Applicants

In today’s world of searching for employment, I see, hear and watch how employers “ghost” the applicants who don’t move forward. Now, I could write a longer article, maybe even a small book on how and why applicants feel ghosted when interviewing, but here I will share real-life excuses from hiring managers on why they don’t respond to applicants after an interview:

  1. “I have no time – I have over 10 people to speak or zoom with, each day…”

  2. “If I told them the truth, they could sue me”

  3. “We keep changing our minds and I have no clue why we are not moving forward”

  4. “I like them, I think. Maybe there is someone better, I’ll move on and see”

  5. “I just don’t have the time to tell everyone I interview with why we are not moving forward”

Does this mean the employer simply gets to ignore you and move on? Yes. Is it fair? No! is it reality? Yes. Am I excusing them? Nope, not at all.

But when you are interviewing, you only see what is in front of you, not behind the scenes. Most interviewers & employers do not intend to ghost you, nor do they really want to. They just don’t know how not to!!!

My career consulting clients always get feedback. I will always tell you the good, bad, and the ooop’s of your interview. Here’s how: I set my employers up for success just as much as I set you up. They understand how and why I work the way I do and sign the contract I send to them knowing that I must meet their applicant expectations just as much as they must meet my expectations of them.

Interviewing is not a game. It feels like it, that I know, but it is not. Interviewing is sharing who you are, what you offer and more. It is a form of self-expression.

If you’re considering what’s possible for your career, let me help you with your next step. Schedule a complimentary consultation with me today.


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