Unemployment in Washington State Stops in September

In today’s world, and what a world it is, many things are changing. Some good, some not so good. In my profession it is my responsibility to keep both parties abreast on the changes of employment which is what you'll see below.

The statistics I am using are from the State of Washington, anyone can find them, but I want you all to see and read them. Why? Because most of us still need to work and we are not going to be able to rely on unemployment benefits much longer.

So, here are the facts.

2019: Our unemployment rate for the month of July was 3.7%-that, my friends, is pretty dang low. People were working, companies were thriving, and our economy was doing very well.

2020: The pandemic hit, hit harder, and then just blasted us with hardship, lives lost and so much more. Our unemployment went up to 11.1%. The math is obvious and it isn't pretty. People were out of work, on furlough, laid-off indefinitely and people didn’t know what to do.

2021: We started to rebound (Go Seattle!). People got vaccinated, we wore masks, we started to take care of each other, and now we can see a bit of the light. Maybe. With a new variant hitting us, we need to be cautious. But nonetheless, we are bouncing back.
This brings me to the 2021 unemployment rate; in July we went down to 5.3%. The light is shining on us.

So, what are you going to do about it?
Are you just going to wait and see, take advantage of unemployment, ride the wave, and or do something about it?

I vote for the latter.

As employers, you need to start evaluating your company, daily. Check in with your employees, you know, the ones that make you successful. Are they happy? Do they still enjoy working for you? Can and do they want to offer more, learn more and be more productive? Do you know the answers to these questions? If you need to hire, do you know why, who you want and the value you want to bring them and offer them? I sure hope so. When unemployment rates drop, it only gets harder and harder to find the people you want helping you run your business. Think about that!! Competition is just that, competition.

Why fight with other companies? Get a game plan, put it into motion, expedite it, have a purpose and hire! But hire correctly.

As a potential employee, the same goes for you. When our unemployment rate drops, all for the good, it just means people are getting back to work, companies are hiring and more, you need to have a game plan too. Who do you want to work for? What value do you offer any employer? What is the culture that makes you happy walking into every day, (even working from home?) Why fight the competition? Why give others the opportunities you deserve? Step up, get prepared, have a game plan, and get the career/job you want, deserve, and make sure you have a purpose doing so.
I share because I care.

Now it is your turn to care about you and others. What are you going to do?

Reach out to me for a complimentary consultation to discuss your personal situation & needs, and I'll help you determine the best course of action regarding future or current employment.


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