What? A job and a career, aren’t they the same? If you have a job that means you have a career, right? HECK NO. 

I actually think we could use more people that just want a job and not need a career. 

What’s the difference?

JOB: You go to work every day, you do a good job, you show up on time, you are friendly to those around you, and you get a paycheck. And then you go home. You appreciate and respect what you do, your earned money pays your bills and your livelihood; and it gets you to where you want to be. No worries, no stress, just a good job that allows you to do you. 

CAREER: Multifaceted steps in a particular order which often looks like this:

Step 1: You start at the bottom. You have a goal and a passion to do something you always wanted to do. 

Step 2: A few years have gone by and you move up the corporate ladder and get noticed for the first time.

Step 3:  A few more years go by, and you find yourself where you knew you always wanted to be.  At the top or your version of it!

You put in the work, the studies, the effort; you talked to all the right people, networked the correct way, and made your value worth seeing. Now you are in your very first career or fourth, and you go after what you want. 

Can you have passion, excitement, and the feeling of pride every time you go to your job or career? 100% YES! Don’t be afraid to do what is right for you. Don’t let others dictate to you what they think you should do. You tell yourself what is right for you because what makes you happy, that’s all that counts. 

Live your life and choose your vocation for you and no one else.

Does this stir something in you or have you thinking you’d like to transition from job to career or vice-versa? I’m here to help. With decades of experience as a national professional recruiter, I can give you the industry advice you need to make a wise, educated decision that best supports your goals. Set up your free consultation here.


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