Keeping Up With My Craft In 2022

I don’t read a ton of books on my craft. I have read a few on sales, people and such, but when I read a book, I do so for fun. My downtime. I do read all the time about my craft, any updates, changes, maybe someone has come up with a new idea about recruiting and resumes. So far, nope!!

I did just read one today though; I got excited, never heard of the company, and wanted to see if I could learn something new. Nope!! But what it did help with? It showed me that I am doing it all right. I am keeping up with the trends, the how and the why’s I do what I do, and I do it well. It solidified my experience.

At times, we all judge ourselves. Are you doing it right? Can I do it better? What am I doing wrong? These questions and more hit all of us at one time or another, or a few times a year. It all depends on your mind and how you move it forward.

So, why do I share that I am doing it right for you all? Because I am human, I have doubt at times and sometimes it is nice to pat yourself on the back and say, “Nice job.” I trust myself. I trust who I am, what I do and why I do it. Do you?

Reach out to me anytime to talk confidence, career, recruiting, and change. Hit me up here!


Ghosting, Remote Work, and Flexibility


People are quitting, not communicating and employers need to hire…